Wednesday 6 September 2017

Social media campaign in Latvia ""

Since 4th of July, 2017 multiple youngsters in project “Better News Media” have implemented and realized social media campaign “” with the main aim to raise media literacy among young people and promote journalists' awareness of the problem of refugees to combat racism and intolerance.
During the campaign youth work group has made three video interviews – with the executive director from Baltic Media Excellence Center Rita Ruduša about media literacy and fake news, Bashar about fake facts and with Adibis from refugee camp “Mucenieki” about refugees lives and the way how it is portrayed on social media. Also there are two articles. The first one is based on the video that is published on “” and filmed by the politician Artuss Kaimiņš in which he showed his unfounded intolerance about refugees living in Latvia. The second article is about news monitoring regarding refugees that shows the total picture in Latvian social media. During the project “” team participated in the conversation festival LAMPA and Dzīvā bibliotēka (Living Library) where the question about refugees being portrayed on social media was discussed with Latvian society.
Active campaign period will end in September, 2017, but campaign and all other necessary information will be available until year 2018.
Check out web of the campaign: 

conversation festival LAMPA

Living library in Riga

Living library in Riga

Living library in Riga

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